Halloween is upon us and so it is time for me to investigate a town in Missouri that you think would embrace the spooky holiday full on. Welcome to Frankenstein, Missouri, not home to Dr. Frankenstein or his monster...sadly.

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If you didn't know there is a town in Missouri known as Frankenstein, Missouri, but sadly no it is not named after the king of the monster films. According to Wikipedia.org...

"Frankenstein is an unincorporated community in northwestern Osage County, Missouri...A post office called Frankenstein was established in 1893, and remained in operation until 1921. The community most likely derives its name from Godfried Franken (another source says Gottfried Franken), a pioneer citizen said to have donated land to the town in 1890. The donated tract became known as Franken Hill; and, since "Stein" can mean "rock," the town name may have been a fancy way of honoring Mr. Franken for his donated stein (hill)."

Bummer right?

From all of my Googling to try and find out more information on Frankenstein, Missouri there isn't much else to report except that the town does have a Facebook Page, and they do have a Frankenstein festival, but that is more of a fall fest as opposed to a (get dressed up as Frankenstein fest).

Newstribune.com did an article back in 2013 as Frankstein celebrated 150 years as a town, and they did mention...

"150 years ago, the town of Frankenstein was not named for the fictional mad scientist."

If I had a pretty penny I would invest in Frankenstein, Missouri, and make it a mecca for all things Frankenstein. Movie showings, big costume festivals, merchandise, and so on. You can't change the fact that the town wasn't named after the most famous monster on the planet, but you can certainly try to grow an economy around it.

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