STUDY: Porch Pirates a Bigger Problem in Missouri than Illinois
As we get closer to the holidays and many will have gifts arriving, be aware that a new study claims porch pirates are a bigger problem in Missouri than they are in Illinois.
This issue just seems to get worse and worse and I've seen reports on it from numerous media outlets including Fox 4 out of Kansas City. They mentioned that porch piracy is more of a problem in Missouri than it is in 30 other states and that includes Illinois. The study they site comes from CCTV Camera World showing this porch piracy map which is shows the Show Me State has porch issues.
It's not a new issue and yet another study taken back in 2019 by C + R says the same thing. People have sticky fingers when it comes to deliveries left on porches meant for others.

What to do about this? First of all, if you live in Missouri, know that you're in more danger than your neighbors in other states. If you're tech savvy, you can have a door bell security camera installed, but that's only gonna get a good pic of the villain and not stop a potential robbery.
Making sure something you order requires a signature can be one solution especially if it's a high-dollar item. The Fox 4 article mentions having packages delivered to your work which I agree is a great option if your place of employment allows it.
Some geniuses have taken vengeance on porch pirates with glitter bombs. While I don't recommend this due to potential liability, I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't laugh hard at this.