Missouri Bowhunter Gets 2 Bucks with 1 Arrow – Sort Of
Mike Lewis from Missouri went bowhunting recently. He came home with 2 deer while only using 1 arrow. Sort of. I'll explain.

This interesting bowhunting feat was shared by the Missouri Department of Conservation on their Facebook page. It's true that Mike Lewis from Missouri successfully (and legally) harvested 2 deer with 1 shot. The deer he took down had another deer skull intertwined into its rack.
In case you can't read the small Facebook print, here's the status from the Missouri Department of Conservation:
Bowhunter Mike Lewis legally harvested two antlered deer in one shot during archery season. The deer he harvested still had the skull and antlers of another deer locked in its rack!
Mike contacted Nodaway County Agent Kris Smith after recovering the deer and asked for a wildlife disposition to legally possess the extra deer skull and antlers. What a find!
This now means that every time you see Mike Lewis you'll need to allow him extra time to tell this incredible hunting story. I know I would if I were him. Well done, sir.
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