Missouri is known for having a wide variety of wildlife, but there's nothing I am aware of that can explain the mammoth creature tracks that a Missouri man just found in his garden.
It's not unusual for us humans to feel like we're the superior predator. However, nature sometimes reminds us that there are other creatures who are equally adept at hunting which is what happened to a Missouri bowhunter who looked down from his deer stand over the weekend.
Have you ever been driving and see something around a corner that takes your breath away and question if you're hallucinating? That happened to a man who swears he and his mother were driving around a corner in Missouri when they suddenly saw what appeared to be a gigantic creature standing next to a chicken coop.
You never know what you'll see when you're driving down a road in Illinois. One driver in the Land of Lincoln can attest to this fact as he was quite shocked to see a black bear casually climbing a tree next to the road he was on.
Take me home, country roads, to the place where bears are prowling? Perhaps that should be how the song goes in southeastern Missouri as law enforcement in one of these small communities has confirmed a black bear has been spotted near two rural roads.