Illinois Town Experimenting with Drones as 1st Responders
Police departments around America are using technology in their efforts to fight crime. That's not new. However, the use of drones as a first response tool is new and is now being tested in an Illinois town.

Aerial Influence shared video from Elgin, Illinois where their police department started working with drones in May and June of 2022. It's more than just eyes in the sky as several of their officers shared their story.
But, how does it work?
What's interesting is the Elgin, Illinois Police Department now has drone teams with "pilots" who login to software known as DroneSense which allows them to provide video from the drone they're operating.
The officers say the drones give them situational awareness they wouldn't have any other way. Plus, it's immediately available to them since they have an internal team without calling on the aerial assistance from another department.
As technology develops that criminals are utilizing, it's interesting that law enforcement officers are countering that with their own advancements. Drones just happen to be the latest tool in their toolkit to protect and to serve.
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