So right now, a lot of us are dealing with what’s going on weather wise, I know for me, it was a big deal because I was definitely having to not just shovel my walk but I was also having to try to shovel my car out of my driveway!And honestly, it ended up not working.  We tried for a  good hour before we gave up and asked my Dad to borrow his truck.  It really  makes you wonder what the good is in this stuff.  I'm sure there must be some ecological reason that snow is great, but... I don't see it right now.  Talk to me again during Missouri State Fair week.

However, snow can be used for more than just shoveling. You can also enjoy it as a tasty treat! If you're feeling creative during the holidays, there are plenty of recipes online that incorporate snow as an ingredient. Here are three snow-based desserts you can try:

1. Peppermint Snow Ice Cream

Happy child doing a thumbs up while eating vanilla ice cream

Combine 8 cups of snow, a 14-ounce can of condensed milk, and a teaspoon of peppermint extract. Mix them together, and you'll have a minty ice cream-like dessert.

2. Maple Candy


Heat some maple syrup in a pan until it reaches about 240 degrees Fahrenheit. Drizzle the hot syrup in strips over packed snow, and then roll it onto a popsicle stick. The final product won’t crystallize and should have a taffy-like consistency.

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3. Hot Cocoa Slushies


Melt three ounces of chocolate in a pan. Stir in 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder and one and a half tablespoons of sugar. Remove the mixture from the burner and stir in half a cup of milk. Let it cool, then add another cup of milk. Gradually mix in snow until you achieve a slushy consistency, and top it off with whipped cream. Enjoy these delightful snow-inspired treats!

Maybe these will give you and the kids something fun to do...AFTER  you rebuild your snowman.  Oh, and if you run out of snow, you can always come to my house to get some more! Free of charge, even!

Dessertingly yours,

KEEP READING: 3-ingredient recipes you can make right now

LOOK: The 21 most popular ice cream flavors in America

Stacker analyzed YouGov data and found the most popular ice cream flavors in the U.S. Read on to find America's favorite flavors.

Gallery Credit: Stacker