I was born a skeptic, but even I would say that what appeared on a Midwest family's security camera is beyond a regular explanation.

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Here's the quick backstory. Cory Fletcher, 40, from Pierz, Minnesota heard his dog bark. Then he saw a security light across the street come on. He looked outside and saw a translucent shape drifting down the street. Watch closely the mist that appears on the left of the video and moves past his home.

It's interesting that the form begins to take a more defined shape as it travels past Cory's home.

Caters Clips via YouTube
Caters Clips via YouTube

There could be an explanation though. One comment on the YouTube share theorized this:

It looks like a man walking a dog. The only reason it looks blurry is probably because it’s nighttime or either it’s edited to look like that but in reality it looks like a man walking a dog. You can see the dog as a small orb following the man and if you look closely enough you could see the outline of the dog and it’s footsteps.

That is a possibility. That would explain why the security light would detect someone and come on and cause the dog to bark. The only problem with that theory is that everything else in the video is clearly defined including the car in the driveway and the trees across the street. Why is this moving image the only thing that is blurred? Curious.

The truth is out there.

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