FREE Breakfast for Vets from Hy-Vee
If you served, or currently serve this country, get FREE breakfast from Hy-Vee on Veterans Day!
Veterans Day is on Wednesday, November 11th and Hy-Vee has announced that they are giving away FREE breakfast to all veterans and current service members of the armed forces.
In a press release sent out from Hy-Vee they say...
"Hy-Vee will commemorate Veterans Day on Wednesday, Nov. 11, by offering a free breakfast to all veterans and active-duty military members. Due to COVID-19 safety precautions, each breakfast will be individually packaged and available via contactless drive-thru in the store parking lot. Hy-Vee expects to serve more than 90,000 meals at more than 250 stores. In addition to the free breakfast, veterans will also receive 10% off their grocery total when they shop at Hy-Vee on Wednesday, Nov. 11."
So yes they will be doing free breakfast but you will have to pick it up at the contactless drive-thru on that day.
I love to hear companies like this give back and treat veterans on veterans day. Any man or woman who has served this country deserves to be treated extra special on Veterans Day. If you or someone you know is a veteran help us spread the word so they can take advantage of this deal. Also if you or someone you know has a business or restaurant that is doing something especial for Veterans Day message us and reach out to us so we can help spread the word! We don't want veterans to not be able to make the most out of their day!