
The 30 Illinois Places that are Seriously Dripping Wet with Sweat
The 30 Illinois Places that are Seriously Dripping Wet with Sweat
The 30 Illinois Places that are Seriously Dripping Wet with Sweat
We are approaching the time of year when it's going to start getting seriously hot. What many don't understand about weather in Illinois is that heat is based not just on temperature, but also humidity. Now, you can see the 30 Illinois places that are about to be seriously dripping wet with sweat more than any others.
Leaked Nuclear Plan Shows a Secret Bunker Hidden Under Illinois
Leaked Nuclear Plan Shows a Secret Bunker Hidden Under Illinois
Leaked Nuclear Plan Shows a Secret Bunker Hidden Under Illinois
It really shouldn't come as a surprise that America has many plans in the event that a worst-case scenario nuclear attack happens, but there is one that has just come to light that shows a plan exists where officials could be hurried to a secret bunker that is located somewhere under Illinois and I don't think it's Chicago.
Gross? Here are the 30 Absolutely Sweatiest Missouri Places
Gross? Here are the 30 Absolutely Sweatiest Missouri Places
Gross? Here are the 30 Absolutely Sweatiest Missouri Places
It's that time of year when Missouri as a state starts collectively sweating although some places are worse than others. Where will the most sweating be happening in the Show Me State? There is some science that will help you understand where in Missouri you'll need good anti-perspirant and probably a soft towel.
Why Many in Missouri Putting Tin Foil Balls in Their Dishwasher
Why Many in Missouri Putting Tin Foil Balls in Their Dishwasher
Why Many in Missouri Putting Tin Foil Balls in Their Dishwasher
I've always believed that many in Missouri are born with almost a sixth sense of know-how that isn't common in other states, but this is downright wacky. Have you heard about any of your Missouri neighbors putting big balls of tin foil in their dishwasher? It's really happening and the scary thing is it appears to work wonders.

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