Willie Nelson is among the many Americans who have received their first round of vaccination against COVID-19. The 87-year-old country music legend posed for several pictures while getting vaccinated that Family Hospital Systems posted to Facebook on Wednesday (Jan. 13), encouraging the public, "Getting your COVID vaccine is Willie cool!"

The pictures below show Nelson receiving his vaccination while sitting in a car at a drive-in site. The iconic singer-songwriter and guitarist gets a shot in the upper part of his left arm in one image, and he flashes the camera a big thumbs-up in another photo in the series.

"Thank you Willie Nelson for helping Family Hospital Systems slow the spread of COVID-19!" the photo caption states, going on to encourage the public to follow Nelson's example and get routine COVID-19 tests and sign up to receive the vaccine.

Family Hospital Systems offers access to health services in several locations across Nelson's home state of Texas.

There are currently two different COVID-19 vaccines available in America. The first one approved was the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which, according to the Center for Disease Control's website, consists of two shots in the arm that are administered 21 days apart. The second approved COVID-19 vaccine is from Moderna, and it is administered via two shots in the arm 28 days apart.

The CDC website also lists three additional vaccines that are in Phase 3 clinical trials. According to CDC data, 383,351 Americans have died from COVID-19 as of Thursday (Jan. 14) since the pandemic began in March of 2020.

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