When It Comes to State Fair Food Iowa Crushes Missouri
A website has ranked the BEST foods at all the state fairs and honestly Iowa's item sounds 100 times better than what they chose for Missouri.
Foodnetwork.com has ranked the BEST fair foods by state and their results when It comes to Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri are interesting. According to their ranking Iowa have the tops of the fair food in my opinion, they say the best fair food in Iowa is a Porkchop on a stick from the pork tent. Then of the Tri-States I would say Illinois would come in second place with a classic corn dog from a place called Vose's Korndogs apparently Willie Nelson has requested those specific corn dogs. AND then they have Missouri.......
According to the foodnetwork.com rankings they say the BEST fair food in Missouri is something called a Black Walnut-Topped Salad.... yes.... A SALAD! On the website they say...
"...AgriMissouri Bistro... the build-your-own Bistro salad gets a touch of bold, earthy flavor (and hearty crunch) from the American Black Walnut, which is the official tree nut of the state. Additional toppings for this popular salad include pulled pork, goat cheese and fresh blackberries."
I mean that just can't be the BEST thing at the Missouri state fair to eat?!? I have never been to the Missouri State Fair, but there has to be something that is deep fried and amazing to eat right? And I don't want to just hate on salads, I love a great salad, especially one with nuts and pulled pork BUT we are talking state fair foods here, it has to be deep friend, on a stick, or at the very least covered in cheese right?