If you had to guess, what would you say would be the fastest growing jobs in Missouri currently? What data reveals are the 10 professions where the most opportunity is in Missouri surprised me and I predict it might surprise you, too.
My dad told me when I was a kid to appreciate my youth because that was the one time in your life when you have options. Little did I understand how right he was and that appears true for many as a new study claims as many as 2 out of every 5 in Missouri feel like they are 'trapped'.
What a terrible way to start the week if you're a worker for John Deere in Illinois and especially the Quad Cities region. A report today says that 489 workers have been laid off in both Iowa and Illinois with a vast majority being in the Land of Lincoln.
I remember when this Illinois town was one of the better ones in the state. Unfortunately, you won't find many trying to make that case anymore as it's now ranked among the top 10 places in America that were destroyed by outsourcing jobs.
I have fully accepted that I was not born to understand everything, but I'm mystified about why there is a provable trend of people fleeing Florida for rural Missouri. There's real science and data to prove this is happening.