Grocery stores

Grocery Chain Named ‘Most Overpriced’ Has Only 4 Missouri Stores
Grocery Chain Named ‘Most Overpriced’ Has Only 4 Missouri Stores
Grocery Chain Named ‘Most Overpriced’ Has Only 4 Missouri Stores
I've never had a problem with stores that are considered expensive. If you don't have the money to shop there, then don't. Those that do likely have a good reason and that's probably what's happening with a grocery chain that was just named the most overpriced in America. It only has 4 very exquisite Missouri stores.
Is It Really Legal for Missouri Stores to Sell Expired Food?
Is It Really Legal for Missouri Stores to Sell Expired Food?
Is It Really Legal for Missouri Stores to Sell Expired Food?
I am a stickler for checking expired dates on food when I go grocery shopping in Missouri. Moldy bread and cheese is just one of those unpleasant things I try to avoid in my life. That thought inspired the question of whether it's legal for a Missouri store to sell food that is past its expiration date. The answer might surprise you as much as it did me.