A dentist in Illinois was just given a 15-year prison sentence and a $200,000 fine for stealing pain meds from patients leaving them to experience surgery without pain management.
It's incredible that someone wasn't seriously injured. Did you know that one of the fastest speeding tickets in history was handed out in Illinois to a motorcyclist that is fortunate to be alive.
Illinois State Police have captured an Illinois man and charged him with attempted murder after a severely-burned victim was found with life-threatening injuries.
It's a concerning trend that seems to be ramping up as the nation gets closer to another election. The FBI is investigating why Illinois and several other states are receiving strange packages of unknown origin.
Have you gotten a package recently that you didn't order? If so, you may be a victim of a vicious new scam that's going around Missouri that will steal all the apps along with passwords off of your phone.
Illinois has issued a warning and it involves how artificial intelligence is now being used to make it easier for perpetrators to steal your identity and the threat is real and it's growing.
We live in a reality where crimes happen with sometimes tragic consequences. That only becomes worse when there is no closure to what exactly happened. Springfield, Missouri has 10 cold cases that remain unsolved and continue to haunt those involved to this day.
It's no secret that many still covet the fancy Rolex watches, but two thieves admitted to taking that desire to extremes as they 'smashed and grabbed' many of those watches in Missouri then made matters worse by crossing state lines with their prizes.