Quincy Community Theatre Offers Classes for All Ages
Ever wanted to know what it takes to be on the big stage? Quincy Community Theatre wants to make that a reality.
Quincy Community Theatre is not only a place to watch and take in the experience of theatre; it's also a place to introduce kids to the arts by way of several classes throughout the year.
From Pre-K children to adults, Quincy Community Theatre offers classes for all ages. Class sizes will be limited and all COVID-19 guidelines will be enforced, so that everyone is safe and can take in the education of theatre. there are several classes in which you can partake, including Shakespeare, Improv, Disney adventures, and masks (not the kind you think!) await students this spring at Quincy Community Theatre. There is a full-slate of classes for ages three and up that will run from March 24 - May 1.
I am so happy that not only are art classes being offered through the Quincy Art Center, now the community gets the chance to be on the big stage. Each one of these classes is designed to enhance acting training and technique, build confidence, and get students with similar interests together to try something new.
There is a fee for each class, but scholarship are available to those to qualify. Scholarships are provide through funds from the Samantha Otte Fund and the and the Illinois Arts Council Agency. Registration is open now and you can register at 1qct.org and get more details on the classes that will be available this spring.