What's the last department store you went to? I almost guarantee it was Illinois' most popular.

Shopping is a highlight of my life. I mean, my mom did bring me to Woodfield Mall before I was baptized... some would say that's why I've spent more time there than church in the last decade (sorry grandma!).

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But, the department store I frequent the most is not at Woodfield Mall. In fact, I'm not really sure it's in any malls, though don't quote me on that.

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The department store I find myself walking into the most is also the most popular department store in Illinois, and I bet you've been there recently too.

We're (obviously) talking about Kohl's! Are you surprised?

Kohl's Rockford
Getty Images

What if I reminded you that the last time you stepped inside Kohl's might have nothing to do with your shopping list and everything to do with some Amazon boxes you needed to return.

Ah, yes. Now I see you understand. You, too, end up at Kohl's more often than you thought you did because you're returning Amazon items.

That's my theory on how Kohl's landed this title, according to a new study from QRFY.

The study is based on actually walking into the store, which is more than I can say about other similar studies. Usually those studies are more focused on what we're searching online. But the study doesn't say WHY we walked into the store.

Was it to shop?

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Or was it to return?

Illinois residents visit Kohl's 2.3 times a month, with T.J. Maxx coming in second place with 1.7 million monthly visitors.

Maybe T.J's should hook up with Amazon returns and THEN see where they rank?

What do you think? Do Amazon returns account for a large number of these visits?

LOOK: Best colleges in Illinois

Stacker compiled a list of the best colleges in Illinois using rankings from Niche.

Gallery Credit: Stacker