Despite the fact that the movie Groundhog Day was based on an annual event in Pennsylvania, it was not filmed there. No, virtually all of the famous scenes were captured in a real town in Illinois and you can see what they look like today.

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The movie Groundhog Day is a cinema classic and the Bill Murray flick was filmed in the tiny town of Woodstock, Illinois. Relive some of the best moments, then I'll show you what those same places look like today.

Jeff's Adventures on YouTube just spent some quality time in Woodstock, Illinois and shared some of the famous filming locations.

This is the park that portrayed Gobbler's Knob where Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow.

Jeff's Adventures via YouTube
Jeff's Adventures via YouTube

The scene where Bill Murray met old friend Ned Ryerson? That happened at this corner.

Jeff's Adventures via YouTube
Jeff's Adventures via YouTube

And this is the famous hole in the street where Bill Murray stepped in.

Jeff's Adventures via YouTube
Jeff's Adventures via YouTube

Remember the movie theater where Bill Murray took his "date" when he was dressed up as Clint Eastwood? That happened at this theater although the box office is now inside instead of out.

Jeff's Adventures via YouTube
Jeff's Adventures via YouTube

Let's not forget about the tower that Bill Murray's character jumped off of as he was trying to end his endless day.

Jeff's Adventures via YouTube
Jeff's Adventures via YouTube

Did you know the bed and breakfast Bill Murray's character stayed in is a real Airbnb? it is and you can stay there (if you can find an open date...good luck).

Private room in bed and breakfast hosted by Cherry Tree Inn, Airbnb
Private room in bed and breakfast hosted by Cherry Tree Inn, Airbnb

This is one of the bedrooms used in the movie and you can stay there, but please be kind to the alarm clock.

Private room in bed and breakfast hosted by Cherry Tree Inn, Airbnb
Private room in bed and breakfast hosted by Cherry Tree Inn, Airbnb

Does this hallway look familiar? It should as it was a part of Groundhog Day.

Private room in bed and breakfast hosted by Cherry Tree Inn, Airbnb
Private room in bed and breakfast hosted by Cherry Tree Inn, Airbnb

I highly recommend you watch Jeff's walkthrough of Woodstock, Illinois as he does a fine job of explaining the real life locations that were made famous in Groundhog Day.

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