One of my family's all-time favorite movies is Back to the Future. I also was born and raised in Missouri. Those two facts are incompatible as I've learned that there is no way that Back to the Future would have worked if it had happened in Missouri. Please allow me to explain.

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As Reader's Digest shared in their 50 things you won't believe are banned article, you cannot hitch a ride by attaching yourself to a moving vehicle when you're on a skateboard in Missouri. I can prove it by pointing you to a law on the books in Festus, Missouri that emphatically says don't even think about it.

Do I need to explain why this is a big problem for the movie Back to the Future?

It's a problem for 1985 Marty McFly and also 1955 Marty if you remember.

I can hear you thinking in your mind "well, this is stupid because time travel isn't was a movie". Point taken, but let me remind you the story of the Missouri man who really did build a time machine back in 1995 then disappeared and was never seen again. That really happened. It's if you will. Well, it's kind of history and science since no one has been able to find the guy and prove he traveled back in time, but I digress.

Still, it's disturbing to think that one of the all-time best movies has no place in Missouri. That's a crying shame.

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