Only 1 State You Can’t Fly to From Missouri and It’s Not Alaska
If you told me there was one state that you can't fly directly to from Missouri, I would have guessed a half dozen and not gotten it right. I can eliminate my first two guesses for you including Alaska and Hawaii. Nope. It's not either one of those.

This is not one of those facts I was born knowing. As a matter of fact, I would have had no idea that there is one state that it's currently impossible to fly directly to from Missouri if Quad Cities Daily hadn't mentioned it.
Do you have a guess which state does not have the ability to accept a plane from Missouri or vice versa?
There's only one state without commercial air service and that's Delaware. But, wait. That may not be true soon. There are reports that Delaware is about to get air service through the city of Wilmington.
Travel Pulse confirmed the return of air service to Delaware, but it still doesn't help the cause of flying there from Missouri. The airline that is now flying into and out of Wilmington will only fly to "Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Orlando, Tampa and West Palm Beach" initially.
That means the fact remains that you absolutely cannot fly directly to Delaware from Missouri or to Missouri from Delaware. Just like trying to eat a Hot Pocket directly out of the microwave without burning yourself, this remains one of life's impossible feats.
6 States with the Most Airports in the Country
Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins