It's not exactly breaking news that I'm not a genius so I cast no stones against a small town in Illinois that was just declared one of the top 5 dumbest in America. Where did I put that dunce cap anyway?

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How do you determine if a place is dumb? If you're 24/7 Wall St, you calculate the least educated places and by that measure one Illinois town nearly tops them all. They've narrowed it down to the least educated zip codes in America and among those, there are a couple of Illinois appearances.

And the Illinois town that is #5 among the dumbest zip codes in America is...

Ina, Illinois

This small Illinois town is called home by just over 2,600 according to the most recent census. The educational (or lack thereof) numbers for Ina, Illinois are daunting. Only 2.4% of adults there have a college degree and a mere 62.4% have at least a high school diploma.

Google Maps Street View
Google Maps Street View

The only other Illinois appearance among the top 50 dumbest least educated zip codes is Peoria at #39. Just over 4% of Peoria natives have a college degree. Keep being you, Peoria.

The entire 24/7 Wall St list is interesting and educational. Ironic. These are not the cities where you'll find a lot of future professors, but definitely possible some political leaders will come from these places by my estimation.

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