Video Proof of Skinwalkers Deep in the Missouri Backwoods?
There are many who believe they've seen things deep in the backwoods of Missouri that cannot be easily explained. There are now stories from many claiming Missouri is now home to skinwalkers including new video trying to prove it's true.
If you've lived in Missouri long enough, you no doubt have heard stories of Mo-Mo, a Bigfoot type of cryptid, but this is something else entirely. There are stories that have been shared on Reddit and other online places telling of skinwalkers in Missouri.
I think there’s a skinwalker or something like that at my grandparents farm and it creeps tf out of me.
byu/bubblenugget62 inBackwoodsCreepy
What is a skinwalker?
Wikipedia defines this creature as a Navajo legend which is "a type of harmful witch who has the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal".
A couple days ago, the Humansville Paranormal Society was asked by a Missouri resident to come investigate their land because of weird sightings. What they found was interesting. Weird lights/orbs would appear nearby. Notice that even the dog appears to be responding to whatever that orange light is.
Their electronic equipment also picked up odd references to skinwalkers, too.
You can watch their investigation of this Missouri land yourself and see if you believe they found proof of this bizarre cryptid hiding in the backwoods.
For decades, skinwalkers have been associated with the famous ranch and land in Utah. Perhaps Missouri should now be included in the TV series famous search for skinwalkers now, too.
Inside Missouri's Longest Cave More Than 31 Miles Long
Gallery Credit: TAG Caver via YouTube