Illinois Driver Shares Video of a Squirrel Scarfing Down a Donut
Everyone loves donuts and when I say "everyone" that includes creatures, too. I can prove it with a video shared by what I believe is a driver in Illinois showing a squirrel who had made off with a big ole donut and was scarfing it in a nearby tree.

Before I reveal my investigative work to determine the location, here's the driver's backstory on the video share:
I made a quick stop at the local Krispy Kreme today to celebrate Valentine’s Day. On my way out, I saw this squirrel running through the parking lot with a full doughnut in his mouth.
Watch Rocky the flying squirrel go to town on his prized pastry.
Here's where it gets tricky. The video share does not reveal the location of where this driver captured the video. I have it on good information that the Krispy Kreme location he was at was one of 9 in Illinois and that fence at the beginning of the video looks like similar structures in Elk Grove, Illinois. I can't prove it, but I'm willing to go out on a limb (hey, squirrel pun!) and say this guy captured a squirrel in the Land of Lincoln putting on some pastry pounds.
Live your best life, Rocky.