A Missouri man has just shared quite a story. He tells of a night when he and his dog were out on a bike trail when he knew something was terribly wrong after his dog suddenly stopped cold in its tracks and began to growl.

I came across this harrowing story from a man named Poncho who lives in the vicinity of Greenville, Missouri. He shared the story of what he saw with the Mysteries Unknown YouTube channel this week and it's chilling. While I'd recommend listening to him tell the complete story himself, here's the short version.

He was familiar with a bike trail that's about 3 1/2 miles long near Greenville, Missouri and he has a puppy who needed to burn some energy off so he decided to go for a ride. It was a cold night the second week of January of 2023. As he approached the trail, he noticed some signs saying "Park is closed". He decided to ignore the signs and proceeded down the trail. He also noticed a curious small helicopter investigating the area and some people gathered near the start of the trailhead. He also noticed his dog was acting strange.

Pancho - "As I was going to release him off the leash to go down to the trail...he was coiled like he was ready to strike...I thought why is he locked up?...I let him loose and he takes off toward the road...I get down to the trail...I stopped and he broke chase...whatever he was chasing, he turned around and came back to me".

Soon, Pancho would realize what had scared his dog.

Pancho - "I remember looking up and I saw this...grey mass...it seemed like it was running away from us".

He then realized that whatever had been running away had suddenly stopped and turned to look at them.

Pancho - "It was massively tall. It turned and looked at me. I couldn't make out a face..."

He had his firearm with him, but realized it wasn't nearly a big enough caliber to take down a creature of this size if it attacks. But, as soon as it had appeared, it suddenly bolted off down the hill away from them and simply disappeared.

What did Pancho and his dog encounter in Greenville, Missouri that late January night on the bike trail? He still has no idea other than he knows he never wants to see it again.

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Gallery Credit: Movie Studios