Labor Day Weekend in Hannibal is all about the Streampunk! As the 9th Annual Big River Steampunk Festival kicks off on September 1st, here are the details you need to know to make the most of the festival!

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The 9th Annual Big River Steampunk Festival is set to begin on Friday, September 1st, and goes through Monday, September 4th in downtown Hannibal. There is a Facebook page for the 9th Annual Big River Steampunk Festival, and on the page they say...

"...The time is upon us for the 9th annual Big River Steampunk Festival located in Historic Downtown Hannibal, MO! With outdoor events, contests, panels, free and premium events and vendors as far as the eye can see, there is something for everyone at Big River! Enjoy the many street artist, vendors, food stations, and cosplayers located all along Main Street. Some returning favorites include the Scallywags Comedy Troupe, Thawind Mills, Thom Bedlam Magic Show and more..."

For more information on the 9th Annual Big River Steampunk Festival check out their website by clicking here!

I have said it before and I will say it again, the Main Street of downtown Hannibal is the BEST place to have an event in the entire Tri-State area and is the perfect location for the Steampunk Festival. What is great about the Steampunk Festival is that you can go all out and dress up or if you are new to steampunk and just want to checkout what it is all about you totally can.

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Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.