If you are looking to buy a Christmas Tree this holiday season, then you need to check out these 4 places in Illinois that Yelp claims are 4 of the 25 best tree farms in the entire US, here are the details...

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According to Yelp, Illinois has 4 of the top 25 Tree Farms for the Holidays in the US, surprisingly, 3 of the 4 tree farms are located in Chicago! The tree farms that made Yelp's list are...

Ivy's Christmas Trees in Chicago, Yelp says....

"For over 30 years, Ivy’s Christmas Trees has been offering high quality trees imported from North Carolina to Chicago locals."

City Tree Delivery in Chicago, Yelp says...

"Since 2009, City Tree Delivery has been focused on making trees accessible to the Chicago community, while being eco-friendly."

Adam & Son & Daughter Gardens in Chicago, Yelp says...

" Chicago locals come to Adams & Son & Daughter gardens for their large nursery with an assortment of plants. During the holiday season, they also offer Christmas trees."

And finally, Abbey Farms in Aurora, Yelp says...

"Since 1949, Abbey Farms has been a non-profit farm run by and for the Monks of Marmion Abbey. With over 300 acres of beautiful farmland, they offer scotch pine trees, white pine trees, Austrian trees, and spruce trees."

I grew up with real trees in my house for Christmas, so I have always been a supporter of real trees, and it is great to see there are fantastic options to buy a real tree in Illinois without having to go to a big box store. To see the complete list of the best tree farms to buy from this holiday season, click here!

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