Illinois has a Ghost Gun Problem, but what is a Ghost Gun?
Illinois has new legislation being proposed to battle the rise of Ghost Guns that police officers keep finding, but what exactly is a ghost gun, and will the legislation work?

I was minding my own business scrolling through the internet when I stumbled upon this headline from fox32chicago.com that talks about Ghost Guns and what Illinois is doing to track them down. Now my first thought was "what the heck is a ghost gun?" you may be wondering that too, well according to the article they say...
"Ghost guns are homemade weapons that are untraceable and don't need a background check to be acquired...Ghost guns can be purchased online and come in a kit. They can be assembled in just 15 minutes and don't even have a serial number."
The legislation that is being proposed to combat these ghost guns is House Bill 5731 which according to the article says...
"...make(s) the transfer, purchase, manufacturing, importation and possession of ghost guns all illegal."
In Chicago alone, the article says they took about 400 ghost guns off the streets, so these things are really popular. So what is the problem then? I guess it isn't the fact that there are these ghost guns out there its that they end up in the hands of people who have bad intentions to use them. I personally think that if you follow the proper steps to legally own a gun that is great and your right to do so, but there is something concerning that you can print guns and who knows who has these printers and who they are printing the guns for if they are printing them legally to sell legally to card-carrying pro-gun citizens great! , if they are printing them and getting them into the hands of people with bad intentions then that is certainly concerning.