Hardee’s is Spicy Heaven
Hardee's is going ALL IN on Spicy, and I LOVE it!
If you listen to "Mornings with Mark and Sam" then you know a couple things about me...1.) I'm addicted to fast food chains and their limited releases, from Shamrock Shakes, to McRibs and everything in between. 2.) You know that I love spicy, I wont let myself make chili anymore because the one time I did I almost killed my stomach lining from spice. So when a fast food chain that I love announces a whole new "Fiery Menu" well then you can imagine my excitement!
Hardee's posted on their Facebook page the other day announcing they have a new "Fiery Menu" that features a Burger called the New Fiery Famous Star, it also has chicken tenders called Hand Breaded Chicken Tenders that come with a new sauce called Fiery Sauce. If you want to get a look at these items check out their Facebook page by clicking here! So obviously I will be trying both of these items this weekend, for my Saturday Cheat day on my diet, and I will report back my thoughts on Monday mornings show. I don't think I have ever had the chicken tenders from Hardee's considering there were no Hardee's in Chicagoland where I lived, and since I have moved here whenever I go to Hardee's I always get their breakfast or a Burger. And I love the Famous Star burger its a classic American Fast Food burger, the Fiery Star seems to take the Famous Star and add jalapenos and this new Fiery Sauce. It looks delicious and I can't wait to try it!