Another candidate has entered the race to be the next Governor of Illinois, a Republican who made his fortune in San Fransisco with a tech company. Who is Jesse Sullivan?

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I stumbled across an article today from the and it was all about this new name and face thrust into the race to be the next Governor of Illinois, a man named Jesse Sullivan. Now we are OVER a year away from the next election to determine who will be the Governor of Illinois, BUT the primary elections to determine the candidates will be here in June of 2022.

That leads me back to this article from the Sun-Times, there is a Venture Capitalist named Jesse Sullivan who made his fortune by founding a company called Alter Global in San Fransisco, what is Alter Global well according to their website they...

"Our higher purpose is to catalyze emerging tech ecosystems by backing future success stories led by role model founders."

In the article from the Sun-Times they say...

"The native of downstate Petersburg reported taking in $10,780,000 in donations between last Friday and Tuesday from five California contributors and two others from Texas and Colorado...That’s more than five times what the three Republicans who are already in the race have taken in all year combined."

The other three candidates in the Republican race are Gary Rabine, Darren Bailey, and Paul Schimpf. To read the complete article on Jesse Sullivan click here!

Jesse also has a YouTube channel where he debuted his campaign for the Governorship of Illinois, here is the video he just released.

It is way too early for me to say one way or the other if this 37-year-old Jesse Sullivan is going to be the next Governor of the state of Illinois, but I will say if he is going to win, he better have people with deep deep pockets helping him along the way, because according to the Sun-Times article current Illinois Governor JB Pritzker spent over $170 million dollars of his own money to help him win the 2018 election, and Pritzker has plenty more where that came from with his estimated $3.6 Billion net worth.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

KEEP READING: Scroll to see what the big headlines were the year you were born


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