A Hannibal man is in the Marion County Jail on child endangerment charges.

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Hannibal Police reports officers responded to a report of a disturbance in the 2400 block of Market just after 12:30 a.m. Monday.

Officers arrived to find a two-year-old child lying on the floor of the residence, wearing only a diaper despite cold temperatures in the home.

The child appeared to be having trouble breathing.

The child's father, 34 year old Jade Helm, would not allow officers to put clothes on the child or to provide medical assistance.

The officers took the child into protective custody and called an ambulance.

The child was taken to Hannibal Regional Hospital for treatment of possible methamphetamine exposure.

A warrant was issued by the 10th Judicial Circuit Court of Marion County, charging Helm with first degree endangering the welfare of a child

Helm is in the Marion County Jail on $25,000 cash or surety bond.

The Marion County Children's Division assisted Hannibal Police in the case.

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